Protected API PHP >= 5.3
Not all the API exposed needs to be public, we need to protect some of our API. Here are three ways to protect a method
- Change it to a
protected function
- Add a PHPDoc comment
@access protected
to the method - Add
@access protected
comment to the class to protect all methods of that class
In order to provide access to those protected methods we use a class that
implements iAuthenticate
. Also note that An Authentication class is also an
API class so all public methods that does not begin with _
will be exposed as
API for example SimpleAuth::key. It can be used to create
login/logout methods.
This API Server is made using the following php files/folders
- index.php (gateway)
- Simple.php (api)
- Secured.php (api)
- SimpleAuth.php (auth)
- restler.php (framework)
- JsonFormat.php (format)
This API Server exposes the following URIs
GET normal ⇠ Simple::normal()
GET restricted ⇠ Simple::restricted()
GET restricted2 ⇠ Simple::restricted2()
GET secured ⇠ Secured::index()
GET simpleauth/key ⇠ SimpleAuth::key()
Try the following links in your browser
- GET restricted
{ "error": { "code": 401, "message": "Unauthorized" } }
- GET restricted?key=rEsTlEr2
"protected method"
- GET secured?key=rEsTlEr2
"protected class"